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Guidance Packages

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Image by Viva Luna Studios

In-depth Spiritual Guidance Package 

3x 1.5 hour sessions - $750 (Normally $810) 

6 x 1.5 hour sessions - $1500 (Normally $1620)

The benefit of continuation through seeking guidance is not only transformational, it is assisted transformation and conformation towards your best life. Focusing on future rather than past, placing positive manifestation and self-leadership as a core to your success, allow me to walk with you as you grow our wings because you were born to fly. 

Image by Dan Farrell

Couples Communication Package

6 x 1 hour sessions - $1080 (7th session FREE)

Communication is the key to success in everything we do, I always say love is easy but communication can be hard.  We often forget how to be kind to each other, especially the ones we love the most.  In this nonjudgmental space you and your partner have the opportunity for reunification and the creation of a loving successful relationship.  Each of you will be heard. Through simple role play and relearning basic connective skills, you both will have the tools for a honest and open relationship.  Through this journey there is laughter, sometimes tears, but always resolution and understanding to create the relationship you both deserve.  As a side note there is homework, which can also be enjoyable!

Image by Jonathan Borba
Book Now Packages
Book an Appointment for Readings, Healings and Consultations by filling out the form below OR Text 0405189044

Thank you for submitting! I will be in touch soon!

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