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Spiritual Guidance, Mediumship, Healing, Counselling

Image by Viva Luna Studios

Tarot Reading

30 Minutes | $110
60 Minutes | $220

Starting with numerology to create connection, I then establish communication with your past loved ones and or Spirit Guides and Guardians.  Followed by Osho Zen Tarot Reading to be followed shortly with my own cards.

Image by Dan Farrell

Spiritual Guidance / Counselling

60 Minutes | $220

An in-depth evaluation and connection to find resolution in areas of confusion or times where higher guidance is required for clarification and solution. I will connect to your sacred contract and seek instruction from your Guides.

Image by Studio Kealaula
Image by Andreas Wagner

Conscious Release

45 Minutes | $180

A form of spiritual healing where identified issues will be carefully isolated healed and released. Emotional disconnection and conscious creation around planting seeds of growth.

In-Depth Spiritual Guidance

90 Minutes | $330

A comprehensive space to look at you as a multi-faceted energy through numerology, mediumship, psychic connection and the higher Spiritual Guidance through not only yours, but with the assistance of my personal Guides, we will seek to find resolution clarity and understanding on all levels. 

Image by Samuel Austin
Image by Elia Pellegrini

In-Depth Healing Meditation with Allie

90 Minutes | $270

Complete surreal experience on the healing table.  You will be taken on a journey through space and time to access any past hurts, traumas or possible grief that needs to be realeased, whether it’s through the galaxy or ancient Egyptian ruins, we will journey through the Universe safely guided for your greater good and disconnection of energies no longer required.  Often there can be euphoric or emotional experiences when we realise pains we are used to carrying.  One of my favourite treatments to do!

Image by Sarah Brown

In-Depth Spiritual Guidance + Healing

120 Minutes | $440

You will get to experience both the 60 minute reading followed by the in-depth healing.  A double whammy of clarity and release.  First identifying and clarifying through the reading of issues or concerns, followed straight away by the treatment required for the transformation of your best life.

Image by Sarah Brown
Book Now Services
Book an Appointment for Readings, Healings and Consultations by filling out the form below OR Text 0405189044.

Thank you for submitting! I will be in touch soon!

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